Maintaining a good dental hygiene routine will help you to keep your teeth and gums healthy and prevent the discolouration that develops from the ingredients in dark food and drinks such as coffee.
We have previously discussed five natural teeth whitening remedies which you can follow to help your smile from fading. However there are also a number of teeth-brightening makeup tricks you can adopt into your beauty regime to help create an illusion of a healthy, whiter smile.
Five methods to make teeth appear whiter:
1. Opt for blue-toned lipsticks
Your skin and teeth can reflect the colours that surround it. Wearing yellow can make your skin appear sallow as it reflects the yellow tones in your skin. This is the same for your teeth. Picking lipsticks with yellow undertones will make your teeth appear dull and discoloured. Instead you should opt for blue-based lipsticks. If you have difficulty in spotting whether a lipstick has a blue undertone you can ask a counter assistant to help you.
2. Highlight your lips
Lining the outside of your lips with a light concealer can make your lips appear fuller and your teeth seem whiter.
3. Make your skin look skin-kissed
Contouring the shape of your face with a bronzer or bronzing powder can help enhance your smile and an all over glow will make your teeth seem whiter.
4. Choose the right eyeshadow colour
Make-up artists often discuss the benefits of drawing the attention to the eyes as a technique for making your teeth seem whiter. Try using cool shades of eyeshadows such as greens, blue or purple on your eyelids. These will help balance any yellow from the teeth, creating an optical illusion that your teeth are whiter than they are.
5. Avoid orange-based tans and foundations
If you are having a spray tan applied then you should double check that the colour is not too orange or your teeth will look the same. Some makeup artists recommend that you don’t spray your face at all as the tan can affect the colour of your foundation and ultimately throw off the colour of your teeth.
Number 18 Dental – Teeth Whitening in London
By following these beauty tips you can create an illusion of a whiter smile. However if you are looking for a more permanent solution then you might consider having a professional teeth whitening treatment carried out. Number 18 Dental offers various types of home whitening and in-surgery treatments that can help you get the bright smile you’ve always wanted.