Show us your smile!

Join us this National Smile Month by taking time out to prioritise your oral health ahead of summer and tweeting us a selfie of your national smile!

What better reason to smile than the start of summer?

And with National Smile Month falling between May 16th and June 16th, there’s even more reason to get those pearly whites out!

The Oral Health Foundation is the brains behind National Smile Month, which aims to improve lives by raising awareness of oral diseases – many of which can be prevented.

We’re asking you to join Number 18 Dental, together with thousands of other individuals and organisations, to promote the 3 messages of National Smile Month and show us your smile!

3 ways to a better smile

  1. Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste last thing at night and at least once more during the day
  2. Cut down on sugar in drinks and foods
  3. Visit your dentist at Number 18 as often as they recommend (at least every 6-12 months)

Throughout National Smile Month, schools, colleges, pharmacies, dental practices, individuals and professionals will be taking part in activities to promote the benefits of a healthy mouth.

We want you to get involved!

Because we know smiling is infectious, we want you to tweet us a selfie of you and your friends smiling. Make sure you include @Number18Dental and #MyNationalSmile.

You can also get involved with the National Smile Month campaign by registering for your free pack here.

What’s the problem?

Across the world, tooth decay affects 60-90% of schoolchildren and almost 100% of adults. Problems with our oral health can often highlight other issues that impact on our overall health and wellbeing, such as stress and anxiety, poor hygiene and bad lifestyle habits.

From cavities and bad breath to gum disease and mouth cancer – poor oral health can needlessly cause misery and low self-esteem. But by making simple changes to our lifestyle, we can help stop these diseases from taking hold.

Join us during National Smile Month and share your smile with the world! Because when you smile, the whole world smiles with you…

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We're a dental practice in Notting Hill providing general and specialist dentistry within state of the art facilities.

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