At Number 18 Dental we’re good friends with the Tooth Fairy, so this Tooth Fairy Day, we thought we’d share a few insights into this most elusive of characters!
Who is the Tooth Fairy and where does she come from?
The Tooth Fairy is perhaps one of many children’s earliest introductions to magic. When those baby teeth fall out and are placed under a pillow, the Tooth Fairy comes along and retrieves them, leaving a small token in return.
Many people across the Western world believe in the Tooth Fairy, and sightings of her were first recorded in Old Norse literary works called the Eddas, which date back to the 13th century.
How much does the Tooth Fairy pay?
Reports about how much the Tooth Fairy
Inflation is an obvious cause for a rise in reward, but other factors such as location and size of tooth are believed to be taken into account, though no one knows for certain.
What does the Tooth Fairy do with the teeth she collects?
Despite how long she has been around, what the Tooth Fairy does with the teeth she collects remains a mystery.
According to some, she simply turns them into money which is left under the pillow, while others believe she grinds them down into fairy dust. Some even think she uses them for everything from building a huge ivory castle to making jewellery.
When should ‘baby teeth’ fall out?
Children have twenty milk (or baby) teeth, and they are usually lost between age 6 (the incisors) and age 12 (the second molars).
If milk teeth fall out or have to be extracted early, it can leave children with large gaps in their mouths for years before their adult teeth are ready, which can create dental problems in future such as poor alignment.
Decay in baby teeth can also lead to infections of the nerve which can undermine the future tooth’s structure.
Does the Tooth Fairy leave letters?
The Tooth Fairy knows that it is better for a child’s milk tooth to fall out due to the adult tooth being ready to push through, rather than prematurely due to decay caused by bad brushing techniques and a high-sugar diet.
This is why she is often said to leave notes for children whose teeth are in perfect condition, rather than with signs of decay, praising them for their good oral hygiene habits. The whiter and shinier the better!
Looking after milk teeth
It’s easy to prevent decay in milk teeth. Reduce children’s sugar intake by limiting snacking on sugary and carb-heavy foods, choose no-added-sugar drinks, and ensure you help your child to brush thoroughly.
For more tips on keeping your child’s teeth pearly white, book an appointment at Number 18 Dental, Notting Hill, today.